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About GET-IT
GET-IT stands for the Glossary of Evaluation Terms for Informed Treatment choices.
The aim of this glossary is to facilitate informed choices about treatments by promoting consistent use of plain language and providing plain language explanations of terms that people might need to understand if they wish to assess claims about treatments.
The glossary is specifically intended to be useful to people without a research background, particularly those wanting to make an informed choice about a treatment, communicating research evidence to the general public, or teaching others about how to assess claims made about treatments.
GET-IT has five features that we believe make it different from other related glossaries:
- Plain language: definitions and explanations have been written in plain language to facilitate understanding by a wide range of people
- Collaboration: GET-IT is being developed as a collaboration between three international projects (see Who we are) with over 20 partner organsations. It aims to promote accurate and understandable definitions and explanations, reducing unnecessary redundancy and promoting consistent use of language. Others can use GET-IT to adapt definitions and explanations for specific targeted audiences.
- Short definitions, explanations and technical definitions: GET IT provides short definitions (approximately 130 characters) that can be quickly accessed and read as scroll overs, as well as longer explanations, with examples, that can be easily accessed when needed. GET IT also includes technical definitions that can be used when desired.
- Additional resources: GET IT provides links to additional resources, such as illustrative examples, videos and interactive applications, to help users to understand concepts better.
- Open access: we have designed GET IT as a free-for-use tool. Definitions and explanations can be accessed from other websites using hypertext links, the glossary can be embedded in other websites (including search and browse functions), and others can use its content to create their own tailored glossaries and applications.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License